Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving - Giving Thanks

To all my family and friends in the USA, I send wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving of togetherness. Being so far away, I particularly can appreciate those rare moments when family members take the time to be together and enjoy each other without the stress of a regular work day. Here in Germany, it is business as usual, but my email folder and facebook page have been filled with holiday greetings from abroad. Thank you to all! The long distance friends and relatives are just as precious as the ones next door. And I am most thankful for these wonders of modern technology (which I will never understand), but allow us to communicate instantaneously with one another and melt away the miles. Yes, I do mean Skype, Google, Facebook and Co. . . . .

Here in my Berlin studio things are taking shape for the coming holiday season. Just this past week, there have been a couple inquiries about specific paintings and the possibility of an exhibit. Keep looking for updates!

Feldmohn - Field PoppiesFeldmohn - Field Poppies II

These two cameos of field poppies are destined for a Christmas market next month - hopefully just the perfect gift for someone.

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